Cloud Number 9

It’s kind of like you’re now working as the caretaker of the most fabulous estate imaginable, with opulence, beauty and perfection that truly boggles the mind. And you work for some lofty, often whispered about, mysterious royal heir, who none have ever met, yet for whom legends abound.

An owner renowned for a brilliant sense of adventure, ingenious creativity, and outrageous self-imposed challenges.
And you’re so mesmerized by the winding paths, Believer, the immaculate gardens, coffered rock jetties and shimmering waterways, it just hasn’t dawned on you yet that this has been your greatest challenge of all . . . Your Highness.
You didn’t hear it from me
Yourself Universe

Your Canvass is Waiting

It’s kind of like there once existed this image, or better, an intangible undefined essence that yearned to be an image, to be defined, so it first created the ether.

And then, from the ether it created a painter who would paint this image onto a canvass.
And as the masterpiece was created -before paint had even dried – the eyes of the image stared inquisitively out into the world and at the painter who had painted it, and asked: Who am I? How did I get here? And you, dear painter, where did you come from?
And the painter answered not, Believer, too busy with her easels, colors, brushes and plans, to even know she had been addressed…
Yourself Universe

The Journey Within

They went looking for you awhile back, Believer. They heard rumors you were headed out on your own. That you had returned to the jungles of time and space. That you wanted to prove once and for all that dreams do come true, thoughts become things, and that all is exactly as it should be. That the size of a dream has no bearing on its ability to come true. That abundance, health and harmony are one’s default settings, and their attainment comes effortlessly when you invite them into your life with demonstrated expectation.

They wanted to tell you they already knew this.
Oh heck,
Yourself Universe

Show Up and Show Out

Often, Believer, simply showing up is enough.

Because the friends, abundance and health you now dream of possessing, have long been in place.
Because the coincidences, surprises, and serendipities that will transform your life, already lie in wait for your passing.
And because little else could speak louder of your belief in success, than physically putting yourself in a position to receive.
It’s fun to stay at the YMCA –
Yourself Universe


Of all the planets, of all the countries, of all the people, Believer, that you could have chosen to inhabit, call home, or become, that you chose as you did, could only mean one thing: Being a Believer, here and now, is what you most wanted, when making such decisions from the absolute zenith of your divine magnificence.

Yeah, you knew exactly what you were doing.
Can’t fool me –
Yourself Universe

Stretching Helps

“What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.”
Wayne Dyer

Some of us think we know enough, some think they know everything, and I read where Noble Drew Ali said; A fool knows everything but the ignorance of himself. The point is allot don’t want to learn anything knew, they think they’re alright, but we are suppose seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. I know when we’re learning something knew its painful and uncomfortable, but there is a operation going on in the mind that makes it uncomfortable, it’s your habit of thinking that’s being challenged. Whenever you introduce something new your mind to learn, it has a measuring dial that checks if it’s familiar or not, if its new your being made to fill uncomfortable because you’re going against that norm. If you can weather the storm of pain, the mind will adjust to the new set of programing you are offering it. The largest space in your life is the space for improvement, seek to be better, because your mind wants to expand anyway.

Time for Yourself

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”
Jim Rohn

What do we spend our time doing during the course of 1 day. Do we watch TV, play video games, gossip on the phone or at work, play games on our phones, or just none of the above, just nothing. The main thing we should be doing with our time is improving self, so we can do for self. All this playing with our precious lives “time” is counter productive to the “Why” you were created. You are here to provide a service with the talents you were blessed with, but we would rather give our talents over to false beliefs. You have a talent that you go to work and give it to some employer so they can make money off of you, how much do they pay you, and how much do they make off of you. A fool and there money will soon part, that’s not just for lottery winners, We’re exchanging our time for money that’s not guaranteed, but if you spend time with yourself you’ll discover how to make more money for yourself. Rethink your life before you are forced too, life is too short not enjoy doing what you want to do.